the award for service providers.

Reaching more than 12 million companies and approximately 20.000 applications, HIPE AWARD ranks among the most important and most popular awards in German-speaking regions.

"Customers don't want satisfaction. Customers want enthusiasm!"

find award winners

We strive for enthusiasm

What our customers say

The achievements of our award winners through HIPE AWARD



well-known and renowned

HIPE AWARD-winning companies arouse public interest. Down below you can find a small extract of press articles highlighting our award winners.


Brand reach

On a daily basis, participants choose to undergo our audit process. That is something we are proud of as customers put their trust in certified service providers.

Thousand applicants yearly
Industry sectors
Award winners

It's worth it - that's a promise!


Award-winning service providers

Enthusiastic award winners



Questions and answers

The HIPE AWARD has a strict examination procedure and is awarded to qualified service providers who redefine the standards for the service sector and create enthusiastic customer experiences.

With the HIPE AWARD, we improve the service industry sustainably and in the long term by creating the experience oasis of tomorrow in the service desert of yesterday.

"Customers don't want satisfaction. Customers want enthusiasm."

  • The greatest benefit after successfully completing the certificate is the immediate advertising presence, which increases your brand awareness and thus your inquiries and provides you with corresponding growth.
  • You will be audited and recognized by HIPE AWARD - an independent and qualified institution - and will therefore be considered one of the top service providers.
  • After the audit, detailed documentation with recommendations for improvement will be drawn up to ensure continuous improvement.
  • HIPE AWARD reaches over 12 million companies and customers and therefore has an enormous advertising reach. Please note that we are talking here about targeted advertising campaigns with defined target groups and not followers on our social media channels.
  • Winners of the HIPE AWARD demonstrably attract the interest of the press and media, as well as well-known companies.
  • The award serves as a seal of quality and confirms your professionalism and seriousness.
  • With the publicity boost, you can generate further added value for yourself. We will be happy to advise you on possible marketing measures (co-branding, image videos, etc.).

1. Application via the application form (takes about 2 min.)
2. Initial legitimacy check by our Talent Scouts
3. Preliminary telephone check by our Verification Managers

The HIPE AWARD is based on a protected and comprehensive evaluation system that covers quantitative and qualitative parameters, supplemented by in-depth research including "mystery checks". In this way, we guarantee a valid and verifiable audit and assessment.

Our experienced auditing department checks the following primary categories:

  • Quality
  • Performance
  • Service
  • Effectiveness

The online application and the verification interview are non-binding and free of charge.

If the application is unsuccessful, participation is 100% free of charge.

In the event of the awarding, we at HIPE AWARD will implement the booked package for you, and rest assured, we will inspire you!

We will present the package options and prices to you in the verification call.

HIPE AWARD is an independent testing body that carefully checks and evaluates every pre-verified application. Behind the review is a proprietary review process and extensive research. The results of this review are of golden value if used correctly, and we use these findings to give the award winners a well-deserved boost. We offer these boosts to our award-winning service providers in the form of marketing and PR packages.

Because only those who deliver what they promise and exceed their customers' expectations can pass the test and thus be certified and awarded.

Consumers know: Only a well-deserved award has value!

Boban Micic, known to everyone as "Bobi", is the founder and Managing Director of HIPE AWARD. He founded the company in June 2020.

With over 13 years of experience in the service sector, Bobi has an impressive track record in customer acquisition and consulting. He knows the challenges and rules of the game of corporations as well as SMEs. After completing his commercial training at Deutsche Telekom AG, Bobi founded his first company at the age of 20 and built it up on a part-time basis. At the age of 24, Bobi was in high demand as a coach and consultant in the areas of customer excellence and sales. Over the years, he not only passed on his knowledge to corporations and medium-sized companies, but also continued to passionately pursue his work as a salesman. Thanks to his success as a salesman and negotiator, he was responsible for sales budgets in the millions and got to know countless service providers in the course of his work.

When he realized that the tried and trusted 'business handshake' no longer had any value, that a sense of responsibility and liability were a foreign concept for many, and that reliability and credibility were no longer a matter of course for companies, the only right response was: the HIPE AWARD! An award for service providers who not only deliver what they promise, but also inspire their customers. Bobi is convinced: "Those who take responsibility do not need limited liability".

With HIPE AWARD, Bobi is pursuing the goal of raising the service industry to a new level and establishing quality and enthusiasm as the standard. - A high performer!

Du qualifizierst dich für den HIPE AWARD, wenn du folgende Kriterien erfüllst:

  • Du bist Selbstständig oder führst ein Unternehmen

  • Du arbeitest im Dienstleistungssektor

  • Du bist seit mindestens 6 Monaten auf dem Markt

  • Du hast mindestens fünf Kundenprojekte nachweislich umgesetzt

  • Ihr definiert Euch als High Performer, überzeugt und bindet Eure Kunden in dem Ihr nicht nur eine hochklassige Leistung abliefert, sondern auch die Extrameile für Eure Kunden geht.

  • Die Unternehmensgröße oder -Bekanntheit sagt nichts über die Qualität einer Dienstleistung aus.

Klicke auf unserer Startseite auf „jetzt bewerben“ und fülle das Formular aus (Dauer ca. 2 min.) oder trage dich direkt jetzt über unser Bewerbungsformular ein.

  1. Einreichung des Fragebogens (innerhalb von 10 Tagen)

  2. Auswertung der eingereichten Parameter und tiefgehende Prüfung unserer Prüfungsabteilung (regulär 4 Wochen, wenn alle Informationen vorliegen)

  3. Telefontermin mit der Prüfungsabteilung und Mitteilung über das Ergebnis
    a) Nicht bestanden: Gründe und Verbesserungsempfehlungen
    b) Bestanden: Vorstellung der Prüf- und Bewertungsergebnisse
  4. Erhalt des HIPE AWARDS per Post

  5. Beitrag über unsere Preisträger auf allen HIPE AWARD Social Media-Kanälen

  6. Co-Branding Paket: Werbeanzeige über HIPE AWARD mit definierter Zielgruppe und einer garantierten Reichweite von min. 20.000 Nutzern

  7. Image Video Paket: Terminabstimmung, Abwicklung und Bereitstellung eines Image Videos

Wenn der Fragebogen vollständig und wahrheitsgemäß ausgefüllt wurde, dauert die Prüfung circa 6 Wochen. Nach Abschluss der Prüfung wird ein Telefontermin vereinbart, um das Ergebnis mitzuteilen und im Detail zu besprechen.

Verbraucher wissen: Nur eine verdiente Auszeichnung hat ihren Wert!

Wir von HIPE AWARD distanzieren uns ausdrücklich von gekauften Preisen/Auszeichnungen/Zertifizierungen und jeder Versuch führt zum sofortigen Ausschluss der Teilnahme - auf Lebenszeit.

Du hast Fragen oder Feedback? Schreibe uns eine Mail unter

  • Interner Award: Ehrung eines Mitarbeiters, z.B.: Bester Vertriebler des Jahres mit einem Jahresumsatz von 2 Mio. Euro.

  • Förderung: finanzierte und subventionierte Förderung, oftmals durch öffentliche Institutionen. Eine Förderung muss entsprechende förderfähige Kriterien erfüllen und diese Anforderungen belegen.

  • Sponsoring Award: die Auszeichnung wird durch Sponsoren finanziert und meist von einer Jury oder einem Auswahlkomitee bewertet und verliehen. Mit einem Sponsoring Award werden zwischen Veranstalter und Sponsor Kooperationsvereinbarungen mit einem definierten Umfang und Zwecks aufgesetzt.

  • Zertifizierungsstelle: externe und unabhängige Institution, die basierend auf nachweisbaren und prüffähigen Parametern eine Prüfung und Zertifizierung bei Erfüllung ausstellt.

HIPE AWARD gehört zur vierten Kategorie.

Be sure of it. We will amaze you!

In the heart of Munich

Our Office

Our high performers can be found not only in Bavaria, but currently also in Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Hesse, Lower Saxony and also in Greece, Croatia and Switzerland.

For us, it's not where you work, but the right attitude that counts. Do you feel the same way and are you currently looking for a new job? Then you might be interested in one of our vacancies!

- High performers do not work. High performers make a career. -