
Beauty Drop

Beauty Drop

Honoring your company with the HIPE AWARD emphasizes your service.

In addition to meeting our very high quality standards and successfully passing the HIPE AWARD testing and evaluation procedure, Beauty Drop, of Tamara Fink, is particularly convincing thanks to its high level of competence and individual support, which guarantee an inspiring customer experience.

Convince yourself of this amazing service quality and book your next inspiring customer experience now!

This high performance team has the following services ready for you:

  • Skin analysis and consultation

  • Medical beauty treatments

  • Individually customized treatment concepts

  • Natural permanent make-up

  • Wellness treatments

  • Foot care and nail design with BIAB (Builder in a Bottle)

HIPE AWARD pertains to the most renowned awards in the service industry and established itself to a well-known quality seal in recent years extending the entire DACH-region. Our network consists of award-winning service providers achieving excellent results on a daily basis on behalf of their customer enthusiasm.

We are convinced:
"Customers do not want enthusiasm. Customers want excitement.” - HIPE AWARD


Beauty Drop

Bahnhofstraße 35
78224 Singen
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